Based on this model, Lmerise and Arsenio proposed an integrated model of emotion processes and cognition. 并且由此介绍了社会情绪-认知整合模型及其对情绪过程的理解。
Embodied Cognition Dynamic Model of Children's Social Cognition 论儿童社会认知发展的具身动力模型
Model of product form innovation design knowledge based on users 'cognition 基于用户认知的产品外观创新设计知识模型
The self-adaptively cooperative study model provides the students of different cognition with reading materials and different reading flows. 自适应协作学习模式为不同认知风格的学习者提供了个性化的阅读学习流程、媒体和动态协作小组。
Examining the limits of the three cooperation theories, it is suggested to construct a comprehensive explanation model which imbibes the strength of perspective of power, cognition or institution. 思考三种合作理论的局限,可以尝试建立一种结合权力、认知、制度的综合解释模式。
A Research on Moral Education Model of Integration of Cognition and Emotion 知情交融的德育模式研究
An Introduction of an Integrated Model of Emotion Processes and Cognition in Childrens Social Information Processing 儿童社会信息加工的情绪-认知整合模型
The traditional moral educational model that equals the process of comprehension to the process of cognition of the intellectual education and brings influence on students from exterior leads to an unsatisfied result. 传统的德育模式把德育的理解过程等同于智育的认识过程,主要是从外部对学生施加各种影响,德育效果不尽人意。
Because spatial relations model the relationships between spatial phenomena and objects in terms of cognition by people, they have been used comprehensively in many fields, such as spatial data query and retrieval, spatial data mining, the similarity of spatial scenes and the interpretation of images. 空间关系从人们认知的角度对空间现象和目标间的关系进行建模,因而在空间数据查询、检索、空间数据挖掘、空间场景相似性评价以及图像理解等应用领域得到了广泛应用。
Formal simulation concept model is a kind of standard of cognition, its the base of communication and collaboration between military expert and simulation technologist so as to improve simulation model correctness, interoperability and reuse in simulation development. 规范的仿真概念模型是一种认识标准,是军事领域专家与仿真技术人员沟通、协作,提高仿真模型正确性、互操作与重用性的基础。
This article summarized the developmental study of childrens expression of drawing abroad, and discussed the model of childrens cognition on drawing. 该文回顾了儿童绘画表现性的发展研究进展,以及对儿童绘画认知的模型探讨。
The conformation of student cognition model and evaluation of students 'cognition are discussed, and the structure of curriculum and the knowledge representation and reasoning based on fuzzy theory are analyzed. 主要讨论了学生认知模型的构建,学生认知能力的评定,课程结构和基于模糊理论的知识表示和推理。
Computer simulation: a model of children's cognition performances in solving arithmetic word problems(ⅰ) 计算机模拟&儿童解决算术应用题的认知行为发展模型(Ⅰ)
Are "Darwinian modules" real mental modules?-on the irrationality in "swiss army knife" model of cognition 达尔文模块与认知的瑞士军刀模型
Research on model of customer cognition devotion and keeping devotion 客户的认知投入与保持投入模型研究
Advances of Temporal Cognition in Neuroscience The Research of the Range-synthetic Model of Temporal Cognition 时间认知神经科学研究进展时间认知分段综合模型的探讨
Conclusions Health personnel should not only supply the knowledge about growth and development of young children and measures to prevent unintentional injuries to the parents, but also help them establish the effective model of cognition, which is more important. 结论健康教育不仅要为家长提供小儿生长发育知识与事故预防技术,更重要的是要帮助家长建立有效的思维模式。
A new model of pattern recognition principles, witch is based on "matter cognition" instead of "matter classification" in traditional statistical pattern recognition, has been proposed. 本文提出了一种模式识别理论的新模型,它是基于认识事物而不是基于区分事物为目的。
Based on acknowledgement of the theory of causality and necessity, a scientific model is advanced in this paper to achieve analytic knowledge of human cognition. 在承认因果性、必然性的基础上提出了一种对人类认识过程、认识内容的模型解释。
On the Model of Combining Cognition with Emotion in the Scientifically Educational Activities 科学教育活动的认知与情感结合模式研究
Borrowing from the concepts and methods of environmental quality evaluation in environment science, the model of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation on pilots 'situation cognition was built, and used to evaluate 6 advanced pilots' situation cognition. 借用环境科学中环境质量评价的概念和方法,建立了飞行员情境认知的多级模糊综合评判模型,并用该模型对飞行员的情境认知进行了综合评判。
Then take situation and technology as the focus, explore the model of mobile learning activities which in support of situated cognition. Put forward mobile learning instructional design model which in support of situated cognition. 然后以情境与技术为着眼点,探索支持情境认知的移动学习活动开展模式,进而提出支持情境认知的移动学习教学设计模型。
However, dual-process model of moral judgment proposes that both emotion and cognition are crucial in making moral judgment. 道德判断的双加工模型则认为,情绪与认知在道德判断中均起重要作用。
The main task of cognitive linguistics to study language production, acquisition and use of language, to understand some of the common law and these laws and thinking, memory, language structure model from the perspective of human cognition. 而认知语言学的主要任务是从人类认知的角度出发来研究语言的产生、习得及对语言的使用、理解过程中的一些共同规律以及这些规律与思维、记忆有关的语言结构模式。
The cognitive model of language user determines language, and cognition is between the objective world and human being. 语言使用者的认知模式对语言具有决定作用,认知介于人与客观世界之间。
The model is also in accord with the features of students 'cognition and the laws of Chinese language study. It embodies the equal and harmonious relationship between teachers and students. 该模式力求符合学生认知心理及汉语学习内在规律,体现了平等和谐的师生关系,达到阅读个性的教学目标。
Under different decision scenes, we construct the cognitive game model of institution according to the cognition heterogeneity. 依据个体认知状态的差异,构造不同决策场景下的制度认知博弈模型。
Through principal component analysis and confirmatory factor analysis method, the article explores the major elements of brand value cognition. By two surveys and statistical analysis, the article establishes the theoretical model of brand value cognition, then revise and perfect the theory model. 通过主成分分析法以及验证式因子分析法,探寻品牌价值认知度的主要构成要素,通过两次问卷发放与统计分析,确立品牌价值认知度的理论模型,并进一步对理论模型就行修订和完善。
Then expounds the traditional mobile learning model, putting forward the design of the color-learning model under the perspective of distributed cognition. 然后阐述了传统的移动学习模式,继而提出分布式认知理论视角下的色彩移动学习模型的设计。